My parents and I have not spoken in over a year. I have reached out to them to wish them a happy birthday, as well as other means, and no response. However, this fits into the scheme of things God still is alive and is working. He uses the good, the bad and the ugly to benefit His kingdom. No matter our spritual differences, I still love my parents.
I sometimes long for the recognition from them, but the older I get the more I learn from the Spirit. Sometimes we feel we do not receive the recognition we deserve. If we seek the recognition then is it self serving? What benefits can we receive from praise? Are we not to be confident and strong in Him who has called us? Our relationships with friends and family may be strained. Maybe, we can’t muster up the seed of faith and swallow the horse apple of pride. There is a reminder of what we are to do. Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 13 as a reminder to self. Here is my interpretation and hopefully it will help see the true nature:
If I voice my opinion and do not construct it in love, then it falls on deaf ears. I can have faith as a mustard seed, but faith will do me no good if I can not share the mountain of love.
If I share everything I have and my motivation is not out of love, then I don’t gain anything by helping others, because others will not see the sincerity behind the giving.
Love is the example of Christ. It seeks out the interests of others first no matter how strained the relationship is between two people.
Love doesn’t look at the past, but looks at the present actions and it will protect and trust and hope in the relationship preserving it for the future relationship.
True love which is from Christ will never fail. When we mature in our Christian faith and love together then our immaturity will be done away. Putting away such doctrinal and selfish issues which are not done in love will be done away with and when reaching maturity, those things won’t matter. What matters is the heart of those who I encounter in my daily walk, because it will be fully manifested. Faith, hope and love are what matters in the relationship, but love will always remain the most important. Love covers all.
The key is how we want to view the world, no matter how the world views us. If the world crucifies Christ, then don’t you think they would crucify you as well? Even if you are not a Christian or consider yourself a part of a faith based group, the world will turn its back because it doesn’t know love. Look at the murder rates, hate crimes, terrorist’s acts and then your environment.
How do you help those relationships to get back on track? LOVE. Letting Others View Edification. Look at the cup half full. Placing your trust in God knowing he will pull you through even the mud messes you have created. You have to edify Him first before you can experience LOVE of others. Love doesn’t have to be expressed on Valentines Day. It can be expressed in everyday actions. Therefore, have a heart and provide that CPR (Christ Provided Resurrection) to others around. You never know who is watching and the impact you can make on someone. If you are struggling just knowing that God loves you no matter what you do and desires to have that relationship with you. Be uplifted and spread the symbol: The heart!