
Monday, September 12, 2011

The Facts of Life from UHK

Education or book smarts might be useful in life. However, application to that book knowledge is even
beneficial. The best education that one can ever receive is from the University of Hard Knocks. This is an idiomatic phrase to mean something painful in life that can have a negative impact, and it was coined by George Ade in 1912 who was an American columnist.

I have not graduated and still going through school. Here are some notes that I took from the University:

1. Be patient don’t get bored with being a child. Learn to appreciate life through the eyes of a child and you will see more than you did as an adult. Once you become an adult you wish you were a child again. – have the Peter Pan syndrome, but with responsibility of enjoying life.

2. Find time to play and relax. Do not work hard to make money that it compromises your health and when you compromise your health, you’re spending your money to regain it. It becomes a vicious cycle of an unhealthy life.

3. It is okay to have a child’s mind of being anxious about the future, but do not forget you live in the present. When you forget about the present, you are only living in the past, and you cannot move to the future.

4. Do not live life with invincibility and think you can be a super hero and not die. When death comes do not live in fear as though you have never lived.

5. Realize you cannot make anyone love them, just like the movie Aladdin because all you can do is let yourselves be loved.

6. When you look at the mirror realize that is who you see and not to compare your reflection to anyone else. Sometimes what we see on the outside is not really how it is on the inside. Reflect yourself off the truth and align yourself in the mirror of His word and realize your path can be straight compared to others.

7. Some depression can be avoided by learning to accept forgiveness, forgiving and practicing forgiveness.

8. Learn to say thoughtful words to those around you because it uplifts those, use words in a different way can take many years to heal those you have hurt.

9. Count your blessings. Often times it is not what we have the most, but what we need the most.

10. Enjoy the extra set of eyes and not take it as criticism, but that another person looking at the same thing as you are, can have a different outlook than you can.

11. One cannot do it alone, no matter how much you rationalize yourself and your failures away.

12. Finally, there is a higher being than just ourselves that has more interest in us than we do in our own self.

Have an undestanding it is not in man's ways to guide his own steps, but it is the Creators. If we can keep a positive outlook on life the better off we will be in applying the certificates of the UHK.
By Faith (Forging Attitude In Trusting Him)