
Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Truth of the Matter....

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.~ Albert Einstein

It is hard to swallow the truth sometimes. It goes against our human nature to be faced with truth. Why? I believe it is hard to face the truth when it goes against our belief or when we have to make a change. It is the facing of change that is the crux that crucifies the sin or the false beliefs we carry. It is the sandpaper that rubs out the sharp edges we created from telling ourselves the lies.

Some people blame God for the death of a love one. A drunk that makes a bad choice in not stopping with one drink goes out, and "accidentally" kills someone. People then question how God allows this to happen by asking "Why God?" It is easy to blame something we do not see than to take responsibility for our actions. Both families are impacted by one bad choice, but the families still can have the option of making better choices.

It is hard to change something you are accustomed to doing for so long. Truth shines the light into a world of darkness that is filled with lost hope. We want to cling onto something as if it was the better choice and use it as a weapon of truth. Shooting random words to bring someone down, or exposing a past fault that was already forgiven.  Defining truth can be difficult in recognizing.

How do I define truth? An illustration of truth is like the ball-against-the-wall. Every time I define truth by throwing, it redefines itself as it comes back, and as we try to move forward it sometimes can prevent us from reaching our goal. The wall becomes our obstacle from truly defining truth. Philosophy clouds the issue of truth that sometimes nothing can be known for sure. The problem lies within the application of truth and not within truth itself. This philosophy can be empty and worldly (Col. 2:8).

If we can dissect truth and set it separately from the integrating cultural and personal preferences, then we must be on familiar terms with understanding there is something that transcends culture and individual proclivity. This is a challenge to our beliefs, and in essence; it points to a higher power. Truth is not self-contradictory and there is no deception in valid truth. Meaning, it can be true with someone being deceptive, but the deception itself is not truth.

We all have problems in handling the truth. There is a misapplication to truth. Leonardo da Vinci once said, "Beyond a doubt the truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness." What did our American Forefathers mean by, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights?” The truth is buried in an ideal. Therefore, what is relevant? History repeats itself, and we can learn that when mankind inserts themselves in a way to dictate (by nature his or her rights as the one who capriciously determines who gets what). Without the higher purpose connection, it is more likely human nature kicks in and proceeds to use tunnel vision being driven by it’s all about me mind-set.

Truth is misaligned. When someone dies people will say, “That was God’s will.” I disagree, and that is a lie when consoling someone. No one knows the will of God; except what is written, which also can be misaligned. God’s will is evident he wants mankind to be saved. It is true. He knows when we will die, but not his plan for man to die. It was man’s choice to choose. Our greatest grandparents decided that fate for us (Adam and Eve). Therefore, the truth is that mankind gets all out of whack when we tell ourselves - a story.

We begin to tell ourselves a story and lies to justify or to make ourselves feel better. Media knows this all too well. To have a better sex life, take this pill. Well, what if you do not know how to properly show love to your spouse. Stress plays a big impact on how we focus our attention through sharing our love with someone. The lie is to seek pleasure first or a quick fix to resolve our problem at hand.

Women want to know they feel safe, secure, respected, wanted and cherished. Men want to feel valued and respected. Women want communication, and men want the physical level of being intimate. A “happy” pill is not going to fix a marriage. We tell ourselves a story based upon our perception and not on the facts that are before us.

Here is how telling a story can go:

John’s marriage ended after 18 years and he was forced to live alone, facing a divorce he didn't want. He spent many evenings trying to soothe his pain with alcohol. He was so unhappy that he wanted to die because he just couldn't see any other way out of his unhappy circumstances.

Finally, John decided to see a psychotherapist for help. Once in therapy, he gradually began to see that this life didn't have to be over. He started to see God again as the Giver of good, despite his unhappy circumstances.

He explained it this way: One day while I sat groveling in my sorrows, I listened to the words I had been telling myself, things like Oh, what's the use? I'm all alone. Nobody loves me or cares about me. Nobody wants to be with me. I'm rejected and useless... Story may seem lame, but it is where we live. When we tell ourselves a story or a lie, it is lame when we have not gathered all the facts. Slow to speak and quick to listen and when we approach others without the assumption and with all the facts, we can get to a crucial conversation and sharing the truth.

Truth means Taking Responsibility Understanding Trusting Honesty (Hudgins). Where are the facts in the story? We have to take away the false story: instead of, “ I am a failure, and I am no good," “I am so lonely and miserable," I am separated from family and there is no more joy for me” we need to search for being honest within ourselves. Fact: marriage failed Truth: You are deeply loved by God, and therefore, you are important. Fact: you are alone Truth: you are never alone when you have God and other family members Fact: you are separated Truth: you can still function even when you hurt.

To get to the truth in your life and from someone’s story you must understand your story from your facts. Step back and once you have the facts stop the story and have a crucial conversation with the truth. Stop the lie and the false hope and replace it with truth and facts and believe that you are loved by a Creator, and he has given you talents to use and are infinitely loved and valued by him.

Your relationship with others will blossom and grow. Get to the facts first because constant misbelieve is what can perpetuate and fuel the fire of mistrust, anger and resentment. Repeat the truth with facts that can generate health and peace even if the truth can hurt. It is almost impossible to battle disbelief and stories inside of you. Journal and find the facts to get to the truth it's redefining that story. Believe you are a good person with much value. We are the pebble in a pond and when we enter someone’s life, we cause a ripple through others that makes a difference. Once you know truth, it changes the way you look at life. If you need help feel free to contact me.

By Faith (Forging Attitude In Trusting Him)