
Monday, November 28, 2011

Fractured Rainbow

A dense fog covers the earth. The sun has hidden its face behind the thick milky wave clouds. The water gently brushing against the shore and you hear life beginning to awaken. Like a small child’s head peering from under the covers, the ray of sun touches your nose. The air is crisp and clean. A deep breath in, you hold it for a second or two, and a slow release calms the mind. Arms stretched out and your body stretches and pops like popcorn. It is not cold, not hot, the temperature is just right.

Stillness can sometimes be scary when you come from a world that is fast paced. Silence can seem awkward when you come from a world that is full of noise. What if it was transposed, could you handle it? What happens if relationships go awry?

Storms brewing and lightening brisk can change transform the calming moment you just experienced putting you on the roller coaster ride of your life. Now, instead of that completeness you felt this morning, you are left feeling incomplete. The firm foundation you stood on is now shaky.

That is how my week has been. Change is scary and difficult, especially when you are faced with a past that seems to pull the old triggers. When you go and stand on a mountain top it is a great feeling. You are able to see for miles, the trees, the lakes, the rivers, the rocks and the valleys.

Struggling comes with warps, twists, cranks, creaks and scary surprises. The fear of the unknown is most troubling. Struggling to understand why I am not able to obtain what I desire the most.

Much like swimming in deep water where the bottom is hidden in the dark depths. We can try to do it on our own, swimming through murky waters, but we tire before the goal is reached. Even the best athletes cannot swim for long periods of time. Though they are tough and fit, eventually hunger, the bashing of waves, strong currents or the coldness of the water will tire us into despair. With a goal set in mind we believe we can reach it with no help, but soon find ourselves struggling to keep ourselves afloat.

One struggle I have always had is with family members, something life deals to everyone. It is helpful to talk about the struggles, gaining open and honest feedback. Remember, in asking you need to be comfortable with the answer you receive, even if the outcome is not what you anticipated. Sometimes inertia has us stuck at the top of a staircase. Like a Slinky, we need momentum to get started and then may slide down the stairs with ease until an obstacle hinders our path, and we stop. Given another push, though, we start going once again.

Struggling pushes us outside our comfort zone and we squirm. We are eager to encourage others who struggle, making them comfortable. What if the Spirit of God is in the process of shaping them, though? We all need to wrestle with our struggles, moving beyond our comfort zone of weakness and into a state of strength conditioning. Suppose our struggles are the momentum needed to push us towards Christ? Should our prayer be to move us out of that struggle? Is Christ not in the struggle with us? What if that struggle is what we need in our life, even though we do not want it, but it is part of the preparation for our next valley encounter?

We all struggle, Christians or not. In Luke 17 there were 10 lepers that came to Christ; only one came back and thanked Christ. Why? The other nine were too involved in religion to maintain the relationship with Christ. They hurried to show themselves to the priest, lost in the murky waters. Yet, one came back, thanked Christ and developed that relationship, drawing closer to the goal, receiving the guidance and helping hand that was offered.

Are we too hurried as we struggle that we forget those around us and fail at having a relationship? Do we struggle because the focus is our own agenda and forget the basics of life? We miss out on relationships when we wrestle to get out of our struggles and want the desired brass ring. Sometimes we are so focused on the gift of deliverance that we forget the one who delivered us.

We struggle when we do not have what others have. Maybe, someone sings better than you. Maybe, someone was promoted over you or received a gift that helped them to get out of debt. Maybe, you struggle at someone winning and you lost. We struggle over the things we do not have and maybe, this is a blessing in disguise. If we had these things and talents that got us these things, then can we depend upon the One who delivers us?

We struggle and often pray do not give us more than can we handle, relegating God to our confines of life. We do not understand what great power is available to us through Christ. When our focus is off the waves of life, and in our humility we can cry out, “save me” then our struggles become more than just wading through the water. We use the struggles to step up and walk on water. Why do we struggle? We struggle to realize we are human and we need someone Higher than us to gain the momentum of strength to overcome the worst.

What if we went through a struggle and through a bad mistake in the future, that struggle helped us to overcome our mistake? Where is our focus? What we want or what He wants? Do we want more of our stuff or His blessings? The key to struggling is the door of relationships. When we have the open door of communication, then struggles are only tools in building bridges to better relationships. How will you know that your life struggles has prepared you to save someone else’s life that could be dying?

When we think what we deserve is not always the best. When we try to do it on our own without help, then our struggles will remain, until we realize, there is more to us. Relationships are the key and we have to look at each other’s true colors. Then the colors can be used to color a rainbow of promises making us stronger, through our struggles. It takes light and rain to create a rainbow. Sometimes we have to go through the storms in order to create that rainbow. Fractured rainbows are rainbows that struggle to shine through the storm and knowing the goal is at the end.

By Faith (Forging Attitude In Trusting Him)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Completed Grace - You're not incomplete

You feel helpless in the moment of your despair. You leave your debit card or your checkbook at home; you are standing there feeling incomplete as the checker has a grim look on his or her face. I have left my cash once and it is embarrassing. Ever feel inadequate because you overslept and you had ten people waiting on you to open the store and customers are driving by because they think you are closed? I have done that before and it felt humiliating. Felt like you needed that V-8 as you virtually slap yourself in the head, thinking you should not have said that? I have done that too, not waiting for the facts and only receiving them after the words had left my mouth.

The more we tend to focus on our human inadequacies, the easier it is to feel hopeless. How do we handle these events without feeling we are incomplete or hopeless? It is learning to accept being incomplete and allowing yourself to grow in grace.

You see Grace is not about God’s riches as Christ’s expense. Grace moves beyond someone’s expense to help them feel complete or restored to favor. Grace is about relationships. Grace is God giving us what we do not deserve and mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve. Grace does not permit us to live in the flesh. Grace dispenses the power to live in the spirit. Grace recognizes that is it God who works in you (Phil 2:13).

We grow in grace by growing in the knowledge of how to work with relationships. We have to empty out our thoughts that hold us back from the truth and allow God to work in order to find life that allows us to grow. Growing does not mean change. Growing means to add on. We don’t make or save ourselves and that is where we feel incomplete. Grace makes us complete because it is God that does the making and the saving.

In the Middle East, like Jordan, they have a unique way of building houses. On the outside of their houses are pieces of steel rooted into concrete called rebar. Rebar is part of the design of the house and as Americans, we think that the house is not completely finished; there is more to be added on. The rebar is the planning of future growth. When the family grows, such as a new marriage and soon to be children, the father will make room for this addition to his family. They are willing to feel incomplete, but always ready to be molded and shaped into something more.

We are all under construction. Humans constantly are growing their heart and minds as well as their relationships, whether we add or take away. However, what goes on inside of the human heart is important. Sometimes what we feel is not necessarily the right thought. The right thought doesn't mean we can feel. Processing thoughts and feelings in a mind blender is often messy with confusion. Feelings feed from thoughts. Thoughts feed into feelings. The key to feeling completed is to understand that we have the key ingredients... it’s the baking and testing that makes us feel incomplete. Be confident and accept yourself as being incomplete. It is what you are adding or taking away in your life that can keep you from feeling completed.

Feeling incomplete does not mean you are not worthy. It means you are still growing. Disregard the negative thought of not having it all together. We are still under construction and your life is your testimony to others as to how a Supreme Being is working and building, an ongoing process. However, are you willing to grow in grace? Grace means Growing Relationships A Cherishing Experience.

What a neat picture for us: those who are willing to live with “incomplete” today because their desire is to be prepared to grow for tomorrow. We are in such a hurry to be done. We hate the idea of anyone thinking that we don’t have it all together. In reality, we are under construction.

Our lives are testaments to the truth that God is at work within us. It is a building process that will take a lifetime. Being willing and prepared to grow into the next stage is essential. Offering grace to others means you are willing to grow that relationship that can be cherished. It is about doing the right thing regardless of the wrong. It is not about subjection, but more of submission in a healthy thinking way. You are worthy. You are complete. Grow in grace. Allow the Son-shine warm you as you peak from under the covers to a new day, even when you feel incomplete.

Grace (growing relationships a cherishing experience) allows you to feel complete in order to help another person grow; a new relationship blossoms when grace is involved. Instead of the checker having a grim face, a polite interfacing of grace would be to smile and say here is $5.00 for your trouble. I will be right back to collect what I owe. Have a blessed day. The grim is now turned into laughter and happiness all because you chose grace. You do not feel incomplete, but because you added someone into your human error: you made grace complete.

By Faith (Forging Attitude In Trusting Him)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dream Catcher

"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." 
(Epicurus Greek philosopher, BC 341-270)

Do you wonder who you are? Ever traced back your heritage and see where your ancestors come from? Maybe, you can find that you are related to Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln or famous royalty. I enjoy tracing my heritage and have found in my heritage: the Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Choctaw and Cherokee heritage. Living in Oklahoma I am fascinated by my Native American Culture.

Our past heritage may make our physical makeup, but it does not have to define who we are. I enjoyed the movie, A Knights Tale. William (a squire) was told by his father if you believe it you can change the stars. William, through hardship, was able to change his stars from being a squire to a knight. How do we change our stars? It does not matter what other people think or say, it matters what you desire and want to accomplish. Ever feel like giving up? You keep trying and you just cannot seem to get it just right?

Do not ignore the hardships, the times you do not feel like smiling because things, good or bad, happen for a reason. Every breath and every heart beat brings fresh air and a new opportunity to make a difference in your life and others. The key is being in control of your destiny and having the opportunity to influence someone else. It is difficult to keep the positive when the ship seems to be sinking on your dreams.

Native Americans have adapted to dream catchers. Dream catchers will filter out the bad dreams and only good thought are able to enter into our minds. The bad dreams are caught and when the sun rises they are perished. Dream-catchers are to be hung over the bed as a charm to protect children from nightmares. The Native Americans believe that the dream-catcher can change a person’s dream. Only the good dreams can filter through and slide down the feathers (Owl-for wisdom (female) and Eagle-for courage (male) onto the sleeping, while the bad dreams would stay in the net till daylight.

We need to be a dream catcher for others. Provide someone that ray of hope in knowing they can do it when they feel they can’t. Do not let setbacks hinder you from your full potential. Some of us have emerged from the most painful circumstances with strong insights about who we are and what we want. Our mistakes? Necessary. Our frustrations, failures, and sometimes stumbling attempts at growth and progress? Necessary too. Each step of the way, we learn. We went through exactly the experiences we need to, to become who we are today. Each step of the way, we progressed. Is our past a mistake? No. The only mistake we can make is mistaking that for the truth. Today, God, help me let go of negative thoughts I may be harboring about my past circumstances or relationships. I can accept, with gratitude, all that has brought me to today.

View the video below and see how Jason McElwain does not allow his condition to stop him from being a wide source of inspiration. You do not need let your physical condition stop you from playing in life. Allow the dream to become a reality.

I believe in you. Have hope in yourself, knowing there is a Father that wants to see with hope. Be a dream catcher and filter out the negativity and aspire for something better.This is my letter to you to be inspired to know someone believes in your abilities. Write a letter or email to someone and help them to be a dream catcher. You will never know the impact that someone is waiting on from you to make that difference for them.

By Faith (Forging Attitude In Trusting Him)

Excellent Video of how someone with Autism can overcome! So can you. It is all about heart and attitude!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Truth of the Matter....

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.~ Albert Einstein

It is hard to swallow the truth sometimes. It goes against our human nature to be faced with truth. Why? I believe it is hard to face the truth when it goes against our belief or when we have to make a change. It is the facing of change that is the crux that crucifies the sin or the false beliefs we carry. It is the sandpaper that rubs out the sharp edges we created from telling ourselves the lies.

Some people blame God for the death of a love one. A drunk that makes a bad choice in not stopping with one drink goes out, and "accidentally" kills someone. People then question how God allows this to happen by asking "Why God?" It is easy to blame something we do not see than to take responsibility for our actions. Both families are impacted by one bad choice, but the families still can have the option of making better choices.

It is hard to change something you are accustomed to doing for so long. Truth shines the light into a world of darkness that is filled with lost hope. We want to cling onto something as if it was the better choice and use it as a weapon of truth. Shooting random words to bring someone down, or exposing a past fault that was already forgiven.  Defining truth can be difficult in recognizing.

How do I define truth? An illustration of truth is like the ball-against-the-wall. Every time I define truth by throwing, it redefines itself as it comes back, and as we try to move forward it sometimes can prevent us from reaching our goal. The wall becomes our obstacle from truly defining truth. Philosophy clouds the issue of truth that sometimes nothing can be known for sure. The problem lies within the application of truth and not within truth itself. This philosophy can be empty and worldly (Col. 2:8).

If we can dissect truth and set it separately from the integrating cultural and personal preferences, then we must be on familiar terms with understanding there is something that transcends culture and individual proclivity. This is a challenge to our beliefs, and in essence; it points to a higher power. Truth is not self-contradictory and there is no deception in valid truth. Meaning, it can be true with someone being deceptive, but the deception itself is not truth.

We all have problems in handling the truth. There is a misapplication to truth. Leonardo da Vinci once said, "Beyond a doubt the truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness." What did our American Forefathers mean by, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights?” The truth is buried in an ideal. Therefore, what is relevant? History repeats itself, and we can learn that when mankind inserts themselves in a way to dictate (by nature his or her rights as the one who capriciously determines who gets what). Without the higher purpose connection, it is more likely human nature kicks in and proceeds to use tunnel vision being driven by it’s all about me mind-set.

Truth is misaligned. When someone dies people will say, “That was God’s will.” I disagree, and that is a lie when consoling someone. No one knows the will of God; except what is written, which also can be misaligned. God’s will is evident he wants mankind to be saved. It is true. He knows when we will die, but not his plan for man to die. It was man’s choice to choose. Our greatest grandparents decided that fate for us (Adam and Eve). Therefore, the truth is that mankind gets all out of whack when we tell ourselves - a story.

We begin to tell ourselves a story and lies to justify or to make ourselves feel better. Media knows this all too well. To have a better sex life, take this pill. Well, what if you do not know how to properly show love to your spouse. Stress plays a big impact on how we focus our attention through sharing our love with someone. The lie is to seek pleasure first or a quick fix to resolve our problem at hand.

Women want to know they feel safe, secure, respected, wanted and cherished. Men want to feel valued and respected. Women want communication, and men want the physical level of being intimate. A “happy” pill is not going to fix a marriage. We tell ourselves a story based upon our perception and not on the facts that are before us.

Here is how telling a story can go:

John’s marriage ended after 18 years and he was forced to live alone, facing a divorce he didn't want. He spent many evenings trying to soothe his pain with alcohol. He was so unhappy that he wanted to die because he just couldn't see any other way out of his unhappy circumstances.

Finally, John decided to see a psychotherapist for help. Once in therapy, he gradually began to see that this life didn't have to be over. He started to see God again as the Giver of good, despite his unhappy circumstances.

He explained it this way: One day while I sat groveling in my sorrows, I listened to the words I had been telling myself, things like Oh, what's the use? I'm all alone. Nobody loves me or cares about me. Nobody wants to be with me. I'm rejected and useless... Story may seem lame, but it is where we live. When we tell ourselves a story or a lie, it is lame when we have not gathered all the facts. Slow to speak and quick to listen and when we approach others without the assumption and with all the facts, we can get to a crucial conversation and sharing the truth.

Truth means Taking Responsibility Understanding Trusting Honesty (Hudgins). Where are the facts in the story? We have to take away the false story: instead of, “ I am a failure, and I am no good," “I am so lonely and miserable," I am separated from family and there is no more joy for me” we need to search for being honest within ourselves. Fact: marriage failed Truth: You are deeply loved by God, and therefore, you are important. Fact: you are alone Truth: you are never alone when you have God and other family members Fact: you are separated Truth: you can still function even when you hurt.

To get to the truth in your life and from someone’s story you must understand your story from your facts. Step back and once you have the facts stop the story and have a crucial conversation with the truth. Stop the lie and the false hope and replace it with truth and facts and believe that you are loved by a Creator, and he has given you talents to use and are infinitely loved and valued by him.

Your relationship with others will blossom and grow. Get to the facts first because constant misbelieve is what can perpetuate and fuel the fire of mistrust, anger and resentment. Repeat the truth with facts that can generate health and peace even if the truth can hurt. It is almost impossible to battle disbelief and stories inside of you. Journal and find the facts to get to the truth it's redefining that story. Believe you are a good person with much value. We are the pebble in a pond and when we enter someone’s life, we cause a ripple through others that makes a difference. Once you know truth, it changes the way you look at life. If you need help feel free to contact me.

By Faith (Forging Attitude In Trusting Him)