
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Word Play- Building Bridges with Words

Words are the tools to build bridges between two hearts. It doesn’t mean we have to cross the bridge to be on the other side with the person. It only enables a path to provide forgiveness and love and other alternatives for you to be free. ~Steve Hudgins

What defines crazy? Who defines the words we use from day to day? We use words as a form of expression to try to convey to others our terms and feelings of what we experience. Too often our words seem to be taken for granted. Often our words are turned to be used against us. Words can paint pictures in our minds that are relative to our experiences. 

Reading a book, like Tom Sawyer, can be challenging if one has never experienced the outdoors or understand what seems to be the simple life to some. We allow such books to create an imagination of a world that helps us to escape from everyday life. We try to picture ourselves in the here and now moment and wonder, what it would be like on a boat or even to go fishing. For some we know what it is to have a good friend like Huckleberry Fin. Most haven’t even read the book: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. 

Mark Twain expressed words in this way, “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” There are words, which convey destruction, like I hate, I will never forgive and I hope you die. There are words, which end life’s construction of moving forward like I won’t, I couldn’t and I can’t. There are words, which provide inspiration, like, I love you, and I am praying and thinking about you. 

Too often I feel we take our words for granted. Life becomes crazy and hectic and often words slip from the tongue and nail a person to a wall. Other times words can cheer up a person when they are down in life. How we perceive life is determined on our attitude and choice words we use to describe.

Jesus stated, “It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, rather what comes out of man that defiles him.” When people make accusations it destroys everything around them. When people drink negative they will provide negative actions and words. 

Words should be used to magnify and enhance a relationship. Not destroy. When someone is going through an event, sometimes just being there for them is important. One does not have to have the urge to say anything, but in silence, the person who is hurting is still comforted in knowing how you feel without expressing anything.  Just your presence and a soft touch can provide the warmth and enough words to express you care. 

Today, I feel we do not do enough to communicate in a healthy manner. Texting, emails, and letters do not do enough to socially provide the personal touch of hearing a voice and tone with the sincerity behind the words.  Silent treatment is the termite to any relationship and it is the cancer that eats at the one that is hurt. Video games, internet, movies, or anything which is an independent function takes away words to communicate. 

Try to always find a kind word to speak. Find ways to give positive affirmation. You will never know the legacy you will leave behind or the last word that will be spoken. It will be the impact of that word that can leave a lasting impression. Relationships are not meant to be dealt with in silence, which causes damage. Heal those relationships even when you do not feel like forgiving. 

To be free from wounds or pain is to let go by expressing words of forgiveness. To gain a relationship is to express words that are healthy and assertive. Words that set boundaries helps increase the chances of developing that relationship like Huckleberry fin and Tom Sawyer. There is freedom in expression, but it is confined by what others may think about us. When this happens we give up the control to the other person and our words remain in the deep well of our being. 

Relationships are important and it isn’t based on the first or last conversation. It is based upon who a person has been through the entire relationship. It isn’t expecting, hoping, trying to control in order to have security in a relationship. It isn’t looking back at what it was or looking forward to what it could have been. Relationships have to be living in the present and accepting it as it is now. Each relationship cultivates a strong suit or limitation within you. When we instinctively no longer necessitate needing someone, then truly a real relationship can begin.

My grandmother always thanked me for calling her and always expressing to me, “thank you for the flowers for today.” Stop and meditate to find that peace in your life. Choose your words carefully, and provide them to someone who could be hurting and longing for a touch of a word to relight the fire in their soul. Words are the tools to build bridges between two hearts.It doesn’t mean we have to cross the bridge to be on the other side with the person. It only enables a path to provide forgiveness and love and other alternatives for you to be free.

Therefore, express yourself and let the brain be free of thoughts with words to convey your thoughts. It can provide the necessary freedom from the shackles, which confine us to guilt and shame. Too often we let our thoughts confine us into a prison of negative and darkness. We are called to the light for He is the Word and has been from the beginning. His truth will set you free. If you allow the WORD(s) of healing to be taken into your heart, then the positive words can flow freely from you, in order to provide healing to those who are hurting. 

When we stop communicating or we don't know what to say, then we fail to be true to our self. Then lies, and negative self talk begin and thoughts of the other person can distort how we truly see them as they are. It is all about how you want to play the words in a negative or positive way. It is all in word play, but playing with words is dangerous ground. Always seek the need of the other person above your own, and provide words of encouragement. Say hello, to that cashier that is having a difficult day. 

The movie Avatar had it right in an expression of this phrase, " I SEE  YOU". When we use words to express the positive affirmation or express feelings in a way that is constructive and healthy, then we have a bridge and our hearts will truly know and express, "I see you." Seeing a person is vital to a healthy sense of you. To ignore the person or situation only creates a subconscious prison, which confines and limits you from other relationships.

It is by Faith (forging attitude in trusting Him), we are to have words that are healing, consoling, building and encouraging one another. I am tired of a negative world, being trapped in a defeatist or victim mentality. It is time to change and to live in the light to encourage a play on words. I pray you may be uplifted today, because You are Worthy!

By Faith, 

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