
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weathering the Storm Part-3

Matt 26:41 Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is
willing, but the flesh is weak.

Life is a journey in which we progress in our daily walk. Sometimes it is in the form of baby steps, a jog, a fast run, a crawl and often times we stand still. The day we close our eyes forever becomes the day we reach our eternal destination.
It is difficult to watch a storm outside when there is lightening. Even in our daily lives it is difficult to stand in the midst of the storm However, I am fortunate to stand underneath the shelter of His wing. The storm of cancer, a loss of a marriage, job changes, and other events that have all hit me within a 9 month period this year and I feel like Job.  
True patience is the key in this situation and learning to hear His voice through this storm is very difficult. I have been taught that I should be still and listen to Him throughout the storms of life. I believe this is not accurate nor reality based.  Let’s take a reality check.  Is that really what we focus on?  Listening to God?  It is easier said than done and often rarely followed. 

When we are doing something, do we pay attention to our spouse, children or friends when they are talking to us?  Do we hear them but not listen to their words?  Do we obtain eye contact or even glance in their direction?  The same is true in watching for God in the storm rather than listening.  The storm makes noise and can often be confused with God's voice.  If we watch for Him in the actions of our storm, we will see the results and gain the faith He gives in calming the storm.
How often do we move into panic mode because we can’t hear His voice, or doubt Him, or claim that He doesn’t hear our request or even answer us?  Doubts may assail. Some will say it is lack of faith while others will say that God doesn’t exist or even that He has caused the storm.

Life storms can hit devastating blows like Job was dealt.  But Job did not sin against God and kept his faithfulness. How can I learn from Job?  Why do people tell me to listen to God’s voice in the storm? It is near impossible to listen when the human aspect of fight or flight kicks in. We believe it is the human need to survive, control, subdue the threat, or a combination of the three.  Even if we run and flee, we are still in control of our actions, even when the storm is still chasing.
When we are in the midst of a raging storm, do we not focus on self-preservation and not necessarily the problem?  If so, how can we really listen?  To listen is to sit still and wait for a response.  When we are frantically trying to prepare, shut down, or clean up, our focus is on the storm or damage from the storm and usually not on God or spiritual matters.

Through this journey of my storm, I am learning it is about watching, not listening. I have to watch for His cues and His direction, to keep my focus on His promises and not the storms. When my focus is on the storm then my fears increase and I do not watch nor listen because I want to control. When I have the faith and watch for Him, then the storm will become still because He is walking me through.
When Peter walked on the water and sank, Jesus asked, “Why do you doubt?”  Peter did not lose faith in Christ. He did not doubt Christ’s ability to make him walk.  Peter walked as long as his eyes were fixed on Christ.  He only doubted in his ability to continue walking toward Jesus when he looked away from his Savior’s eyes and heard the wind.  In desperation he cried out to be lifted.  When we are spent from cleaning up our messes, running from the storm, or have sunk rock bottom, we will finally cry out to Him in desperation, “Lord, save me,” as Peter did (Matthew 14:22-33).

What is difficult to watch is what is going on during the storm. Why?  Because it is painful to watch. I am learning to watch for God in the storms and see where He will lead me.  I will believe on His promises that He will lead me.
What do I watch for during the storm?  I watch for what He is doing to change me. Storms change the paths they encounter. Maybe it is patience He is teaching me. I watch what He is doing in other’s lives; how my actions impact others.  I watch for the transformation of my attitude. Is my attitude one of contentment and thankfulness, like that of a victor? Or is it one of discontent, grumbling, and the disheartening attitude of a victim?  God wants us to watch what He can do more in the storm than listening to what He says.

When our focus is on Him, then what do we have to fear when we watch for Him?  Focus denotes clear visual definition. It is adapting the level of light and being able to see clearly. It is paying particular attention to something.  This is not about listening for God’s voice to speak to us.  When we watch, when we see, when we seek God, we are looking for that clear definition of the path He has for us.  It is about watching for the paths He opens for us to follow. Therefore, devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful. (Col 4:2).
By Faith (Forging Attitude In Trusting Him

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