
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Missing out....... That's just plain Nuts!

 Don't be afraid of missing opportunities. Behind every failure is an opportunity somebody wishes they had missed. ~~Lily Tomlin

Have you ever felt like a squirrel on the hunt for the right nut? Okay, maybe not, but have you seen the movie “The Nut Job” or “Ice Age”? It seems they chase and try to find, but keep missing out on the one nut which may make them happy. 

You sit and watch television and what is the new appeal? You’re missing out on a great product. Try something new. We have become a society that has become a consumerism society with too many choices. There is impulsive buying that entices you to pick up and buy. Such ideas are like the products on the end caps in the retail stores to get you to buy this product even when it isn’t on your list. 

Maybe you are like me and single and looking for that one nut. Maybe, nut is not the right term here, but I am trying to keep it light and simple with humor. Do you ever get the feeling you’re missing out? 

What about those plaguing questions that often can turn into guilt or remorse: would have, should have, could have, these questions plagues the mind like a house infested with termites. It can eat away at you and could lead to being depressed.  Harboring such thoughts only makes the boat not sea worthy. 

We can get into a “funk” and feel like something is missing in our life and we jump to the first item that seems to make us happy. There is an itch that seems we need to fix it right away. Often it is our mind that plays the tricks on us to make us feel hungry and we need to satisfy that sweet tooth with a candy bar. Ever done impulsive buying? Yup! Right there in the Wal-Mart checkout stand staring right at your face is a nice cool drink, even though you’re five minutes from the house, but you have to have it. Sure, it was good and it is okay to embellish, but not to a point where there are regrets of feelings of missing out. 

Most of the descriptions above, could define me as a person in the past. My faith was put on the anvil and I had to learn to f(orge) (my) A(ttitude) I(n) T(usting) H(im). I had to learn to set healthy boundaries in place in order to keep my mind pure and not judgmental. Finally, I had to let go of control and allow Him to guide me. I have found myself more content in my life with peace. How did I do it and not feel like I am missing out?

It wasn’t easy and life circumstances took a toll on me. Cancer, but no worries, I am cancer free! Cancer taught me to change my thinking (2 Cor 5:10) and had to captivate my thoughts and make them obedient to Christ. Second, I had to learn to give my desires to the Father and let Him guide me (Ps 37:4).  Third, I had to renew my mind (Rom 12:2). Finally, I had to learn to be content (Phil 4:11) and not jump to conclusions.

To stop missing out means I had to change my thoughts. Meaning, music that I once liked, had to change because words do have an effect on the mind. If you listen to words of “I am ashamed of who I become”, and others may put you down or say you’re not good enough, only adds up in your subconscious of the way you begin to view yourself.  Music is healing and words can change your outlook of your life. I enjoy Christian music because it is uplifting and positive.  It plants hope. Yes, there is other music, which can do the same and I am only writing what has helped me. 

Learning to be content in all things is a tough lesson. Rome wasn’t built overnight and neither are we as individuals. Living in a society where we want more “stuff” or biggie size to make us feel better doesn’t work. Most are overweight because they are drawn to the food that enables them to crave more. We have DVRs because we don’t want to miss our favorite shows. Okay, well I have to admit DVR was a good invention so you can bypass those commercials. 

Missing out sometimes means learning from your mistakes and learning there has to be sacrifices to be made. Blended families can be challenging because your biological child has a concert while your step-child has a football game. Will someone be hurt? Depends on how the situation is handled and how supportive both parents are to the children. Missing out sometimes means sacrificing we “think” we want, but realizing our actions are hurting others. 

Missing out sometimes is letting go of a person you truly love and admire and allowing them to go through a painful discovery about themselves all the while you are praying over them. Missing out means to let go of the control and allowing your faith in the Creator to lead you. This is painful, but I learned to embrace it and not be fearful of pain. 

We fear pain because we do not understand it. We fear pain because we don't like the feeling. We ask the questions of why or we do not have the answers to have closure. Missing out is learning to let go and be patient about certain things in life. The bottom line is learning to sacrifice your desires and wants in order to embrace a more peaceful contentment of knowing things can turn out alright. It is allowing the other person room to experience their choices, even when it is challenging to watch them hurt. Now granted not saying to watch them embrace substances that continue to harm them. Tough love has to be in effect and get them help.

Missing out is learning to embrace who you are and lean not on your own understanding. Sometimes it is learning to let someone you love and care about go. If it was meant to be they will come back. If they choose not to come back, then you embrace the moment and cherish the good moments.

Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing (Torquato Tasso)

How I look at things determines what I see. I can choose to look at the negative in people and not like them. If I choose to find the positive in people, and draw that out in them by my own actions and reactions there is enough to like a person. Is a glass really half full or empty? At least you have something in the glass.

When we learn to let go, compromise, make those sacrifices, we may miss out. Confidence grows in Christ with the attitude we can do all things through Him, who strengthens me. Change is scary. It is easy to embrace the familiarity of an abusive, predictable person, than to embrace a warm loving relationship. It is learning to reevaluate the core belief system in you. Don’t miss out on life by clinging on unhealthy thoughts and way of doing things because that is what you have learned to embrace. Love is amazing when it is accepted. Embracing change sometimes misses out on the abusive situation, but allows you to see a wonderful relationship engulfed in love.
Thank you for not missing out on this blog. I write from my heart and my experiences and pray you will find encouragement. Be uplifted, there are some things worth missing out on. Find a balance in your life and not become squirrelly in chasing after a NUT! Step back and evaluate. When you take your eyes off that one nut, there was a bigger pile behind it. Refocus your thoughts. Sometimes it is okay to miss out. 

By Faith, 

Forging my Attitude In Trusting Him may you find peace and happiness.


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