
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

S.T.O.R.M (Service To Others Really Matters)

Living in San Antonio was challenging. Storms in Texas are BIG, like everything else in Texas. Remembering as a little child, there was one storm that brewed like black coffee in the morning, as low clouds of blackness thickened in the sky. Warning sirens cried out like a mother warning her child not to cross the street. Crawling under the bed for protection like squirrels scampering up a tree to get away from a predator. Terrified of the unknown. At peace with mom's presence.

     When evening came, he said to his disciples, “let us go over to the other side.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake so that the waves swept over the boat so that it was nearly swamped. However, Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Lord, Save us. Don’t you care if we drown? He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be Still!” Then the wind died down, and it was completely calm.

     Storms come and we bolt like lightening and thunder with a roar of excitement and scatter like hail. Sometimes our tornadic emotions are the aftermath of destruction around us. Inner or outer storms will prosper. Sometimes we feel inadequate.

     Powerful message in the gospels and I ponder over the writer's thoughts as he experienced this storm. I am also mindful of Psalms 107, " they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven."

     Elijah was faced with a powerful storm in his life, so much that he hit rock bottom depression. Who can blame him? After all, he is human and fearful of his life. His picture posted and a bounty placed. Even though he proved God’s existence, he still became afraid. Elijah crawled up into the mountain. God whispered to him. Elijah regained his strength. (Read 1 Kings 16-20)

     As a professional counselor, professional fisherman, professional human being, there has to be a gentle reminder in our lives. Are we focusing on the noise of the storm that sometimes we forget that being a S.T.O.R.M (Storm. Service To Others Really Matters) in the midst of our own, is very self healing by becoming survivors?

    God might quiet the storm within us. The purpose is to remove the focus off the storm. Put the focus on Him. It is how we can weather the storm. Feel the disciples. The anxieties placed on the focus of the storm or at Jesus' peaceful slumber? They were professionals and have weathered many storms before. Why was this any different? We can allow the storms to chase us or we can become Storm Chasers!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Wizard of Odds

Silence in anticipation of what is to come next is in the hearts of mankind. We wonder in awe of what the next theatrical performance will be played out in our lives. The only difference is you are not just an actor; you are the actual character in God’s story.

Taking the family to the Wizard of Oz is a unique and enjoyable time. Seeing something live in performance allows you to feel you are actually there. Dorothy in her troubles with a mean lady wanting to take ToTo away. We are not in Kansas anymore, but swept away in a Land of Oz full of wonder and splendor.

Many of us are like Dorothy in the Land of Oz. We want to escape the trouble that ails us. As we travel in life, we come across others in this strange land. The curtains close as Dorothy’s walk down the yellow brick road and reopen to a new scene of corn crops where she meets Scarecrow.

Scarecrow hangs around because he feels he need a brain. I can identify with that at times and feel sometimes I just cannot pull my thoughts together. The two stroll to the character, Tin Man. Here is someone that is just rusty. The clues and signs were there, but chose not to do something about it. He was stuck in a rut. I can identify with him because sometimes in my life, I saw the warning signs and chose to ignore them. This put me into complacency and felt rusted out. There was no life in me, as if there was no heart to the matters that needed attention.

The curtains change and the three are now off down the yellow brick road into a jungle of a mess. How often are we in the jungle and unaware of what lurks in the shadows? Lions, Tigers and Bears, OH MY! Lion purrs with pride until the hand of reality hits him on the nose, and he whimpers and wishes he had courage. Often times I feel I can be on top of the world and troubles hit, and I whimper, hoping I had more courage to face the instabilities and problems I have in my life.

All four are off to see the Wizard of Oz. Often times I wonder what road we travel down and who that Wizard of Oz could be. The curtains of Heavens have opened, and we are the characters in His Story. We can be brainless sometimes by our thoughts and actions by what we do. Sometimes we can be heartless towards others. Then there are those moments we feel we can conquer anything and God puts reality back into our lives. The reality that makes us yearn for the courage to stick through things.

Our stage (life) happens in God’s story. Yes, we write out our story, and He puts it into production. The show must go on. The curtains of Heaven will remain open as long as we have this attitude: You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Eph. 4:22-24). No matter what happens in our story, we have to keep a new attitude because Christ creates that Yes (2 Cor. 1:20). We can be more than conquerors in our land of Odds. When we come together with our troubles, and we can be off to see the “Wizard” then we truly know that Christ will set the stage as long as we allow to listen to the curtain call and perform for Him.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Soulful Reflection

Have you ever thought about your life? Your goals your ambitions and how your life is like on a bullet train. If you been to Europe you would know what a bullet train would be like. It’s faster than doing 75 miles in a car on an open highway.
Reflection is good. Not the reflection in a mirror and you walk away and forget what you look like as the day goes on. After lunch you may have missed that spot of mustard on the corner of your mouth. You have to reflect again as you go to the bathroom and look at your appearance before your meeting with your boss or important client.
Sometimes you have to have a soulful reflection. What is the mirror in a soulful reflection? Don’t bail on me yet when I say Christ. Here is why. Remember a country music song that hit the charts for several months called One Day At A Time?
           Written by: Marijohn Wilkin
I'm only human, I'm just a woman.
Help me believe in what I could be
And all that I am.
Show me the stairway, I have to climb.
Lord for my sake, teach me to take
One day at a time.

One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you.
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today, show me the way
One day at a time.

Do you remember, when you walked among men?
Well Jesus you know if you're looking below
It's worse now, than then.
Cheating and stealing, violence and crime
So for my sake, teach me to take
One day at a time.

She couldn’t figure out why she had so many problems in her life. She had wealth, friends and good health. Yet, her soul was not at peace, until she reflected. A minister once told her to thank God for her problems and this is how the song came into existence. She left God. Got glory to fame. Fell into alcoholism. Came back to God. She has written over three hundred songs.
Moral of this: Each day we are challenged with challenges. Some are like the mustard stain on the corner of our mouth. We have to take time to reflect where we are and understand God will never leave us, but will provide that peace in His presence of our life. One day at a time and soulful reflection.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

God is my Pilot.

Pilots are trained professionals who fly aircraft and must demonstrate flying skills and knowledge. They are concerned for safety, flight regulations, and procedures. The more they fly the more complex the skills become.
     Co-Pilots assist the captain (pilot). They handle radio communications, watch for air traffic and take over the flight when directed. Co-pilots have an important role and in flight are in sync with the pilots during take-offs and landings.
     Navigators (navigation systems) have an art of determining the position of the airplane in relation to the earth. The navigator's job is to direct the flight from departure to destination and return. He helps maintain a constant course, airspeed and take direction from the pilot if the course is altered. The navigator's primary duty is navigating your airplane with a high degree of accuracy. But as a member of the team, he must also have a general knowledge of the entire operation of the airplane.
     Flight attendants are concerned for the safety and security of the traveling public. The primary job of the flight attendants is ensuring security and safety regulations are being followed, they protect and try to make flights comfortable and enjoyable. They serve the passengers and watch over you as you sleep and enjoy the flight. Flight attendants have a variety of pre-flight, mid-flight, and post-flight duties. They do everything from helping passengers find their seats to demonstrating safety tips.
     I enjoy flying. I enjoy the thrust of the plane during take off. My faith in trust must be in the pilot, co-pilot, navigation systems, and flight attendants. How does flying a plane relate to Christianity?
     I call the airline and select a destination. Make my purchase to board the plane. I sit and wait till take off and then board the plane. Plane is life. Therefore, God is my Pilot. My life is not my own and it isn’t me that directs my steps (Jeremiah 10:23). Christ is my co-pilot. He handles my communications to the pilot. He is the same as the pilot (John 10:27-30). The Spirit is my navigator and intercedes on my behalf (Romans 8:26, 27). The flight attendants are the Angels, who are servants to serve those who inherited salvation (Hebrews 1:14).
     When I try to put myself into any of these positions that ensure my safety during the flight, I run the risk of crashing my flight. Therefore, I hope in Him because he renews my strength. I can soar on wings like eagles; I can continue in life and not grow weary and have a peace that when I walk in life and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31). As a passenger I interact with others who have chosen the same traveling destination. Share the good news and comfort those who are unsure. Next time you fly remember Pilot and don’t be fearful of turbulents.
     God is the one who is in control, even when it seems like things are running on autopilot. Things are changed through His will. Sometimes we may find that our destination has changed and it is part of a larger event that we can't understand. Therefore, it helps our Flying Team when we take the time to pray.