
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Untouchable (Compassion)

Dusk settles in. A pull and click a round is loaded into the chamber ready to be fired at the target at the other end. A careful aim and a decision to fire or to use one or several rounds have to be made. Sometimes it is hard to see when light is minimized and finding that target. Similar to driving in the dark when there isn’t a full moon and rain is falling trying to differentiate between road and unpaved road.
     Thoughts and words are the same as that loaded chamber with ammo in it. One word or several words taking aim at someone can wound or kill a soul. Does it have to be just words? What about a look or glance at someone? Is it just the same? Ever been on that other end of the gun? You maybe wounded. Divorce, financial debt, parents won’t talk to you or maybe you are just plumb ready to give up because you been so sick. Is there any compassion to be had?
     We have a choice to make in our thoughts and actions. Several months there were two men and a misunderstanding occurred between them. Sure bullets of words flew and both wounded by the other’s actions through misunderstanding. However, something took place and compassion brought them closer together.
     What is compassion? Paul tells us in Colossians 3:12 to clothe ourselves in compassion. Is it like wrapping ourselves in the blanket we feel so secure in? Compassion like a warm blanket that shelters us and provides security in knowing we can be comforted in something so simple.
     Two things jump out in understanding compassion. Ever felt rejected and didn’t feel you were worthy? Like the two blind men (Matthew 20:29-24) sitting on the road crying out, “Son of David, have mercy on us!” Yet, the crowd was rebuking them to be quiet. Jesus heard them and asked what you want me to do for you? Stop. Wait. Jesus was asking them what they want Him to do and yet in His heart, he already knew.
     They answered we want our sight. Jesus was moved with compassion and physically touched their eyes. Why? Why not just say your faith has made you whole? Why did he touch them? Let us look into another story to see if we can find the answer.
     A man with leprosy (Mark 1:40-45) begged on his knees and said, “if you are willing, you can make me clean.” There is an understanding with the man of leprosy that is in need in knowing he can be clean, but it is up to the Jesus that provides the compassion to do it. Knowing Moses’ law, Jesus being clean touched the unclean and healed him because he was moved in compassion.
     Compassion compels to reach to the wounded and uplift and restore them to the original state. The crowds rejected the cries of a blind man, but compassion of touch restored the sight. I wonder who really was blind in this story the crowd that wanted to over look the cry out or the blind man. Compassion moves into the extreme by looking past the laws or boundaries which boxes us in our minds and empowers us to begin touching the untouchable.
     The blind needed the touch because that is what they were using to see. The leper needed a human touch because it has been many years since someone clean touched him. Compassion is providing immeasurable grace to someone who is hurting and moving outside the box of the norm while touching the untouchable.
sometimes you might think you are untouchable. Two things must occur in order for the passion in compassion comes alive. The wounded must believe they can be healed and those who are moved with compassion must be willing to step outside the norm and touch a life that is in need of healing.
     You are not alone. We all have been wounded. Compassion is a wonderful gift that provides clothing to those who are hurting. There is hope and Christ provides that compassion to us all; by His wounds, you have been healed (1 Pt 2:24). Do not despair, have the faith in knowing you can be restored. We all can be a little more compassionate on those who are willing to be made whole.
     Compassion moves into the extreme by looking past the laws or boundaries which boxes us in our minds and empowers us to begin touching the untouchable. It is going against the crowds of rejection and uplifting those in need to feel the touch when they felt all hope was lost.