
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Boxed Mind - How To Open It Up.

The limit to what we can recognize is the margin to our liberty. (SHudgins)

Why are children fascinated by boxes? We can decorate them and become robots for Halloween. We store things away in them. We move our things from one place to the next. It holds everything we may or may not need. 

Our mind is like a box. We hide things we do not want to confront. We store things we do not use. We move information in and out of our mind. We can get rid of useless appointments, but we seem to hold onto self-aversion.  We hold onto pain as if it were a security blanket. 

Our mind can often confine God into a small box in order to try to understand or limit His abilities to our standards. The box tries to make sense out of the nonsense and chaos in order for there to be some peace. It is like He becomes a Genie when things go wrong. We wish the wrong would not happen and for Him to make it right by our demands and terms. 

When there is hurt a wall is put up. Soon there are feelings of being confined to the box in our mind. In relationships, sometimes there is a feeling we are stuck in not being able to do anything about it. The lid to the box is the thoughts: should’ve, could’ve, won’t, cant and it will close you inside like the jack-in-a-box.  The box contains these four walls, which are often formed by our thoughts: 

  • 1st wall: Feelings of unhappiness, but feeling there is nothing that would make you happy.

  • 2nd wall: Feeling of failure and no one will ever love or accept you.

  • 3rd wall: Feelings of seclusion by unable to tell anyone your thoughts, because you will be judged or they would be disappointed in you.

  • 4th wall: Feelings of being unworthy because you feel you can't do anything right. 

When you feel discouraged, hopeless, angry or frustrated sometimes you could be boxed in and feeling alone; unable to express your feelings without rejection. Shutting down and not talking is putting yourself in a box, when there can be clarity through the misunderstanding between you and the other person.  Pushing other people away or not allowing others to become close to you is being in the box. 

Our mind produces such strength which affects our mood. How you relate those thoughts to yourself can be uplifting or condemning. Continuous flow of negative thoughts with self-criticism results in a care-free attitude. These thoughts create undo stress. Stress induces the body to react to itself by becoming sick with headaches or weakening the immune system. 

How can we get out of the box?
  •  Be self-aware. If you are shutting down and pushing others away by being in a silent moment or the feeling unworthy, then find that one person who is always willing to listen to you. 
  • Challenge your wall by taking the thought: “I can’t”. Write out your obstacles. Write out ways around them and create positive statements. Say those positive statements to counter act the negative thoughts.
  • Peek outside the box and stimulate your visual sense of the positive successes you have had. Like a photograph of positive memories.
  • Reward yourself and celebrating the successes you do have. Write out those steps and create the motivation to initiate the momentum of moving forward.

Finally, be open to new things. Step outside your comfort zone and look outside and reach out to others who are outside of their box. Create your own rules and don’t let them define you.  Going after your dream and failing is a less of a risk than not going after it and having a negative thought of never knowing what could have been. It is easy to be boxed in. It is harder to fight for your dreams and hopes, but you will begin to realize how precious life truly is. 

Changing your perspective on your experiences will free you from everyone else’s insecurities that are projected onto you. It is true the world we live in has high demands and we are expected to be the best. However, we can fear and hide in a box or we can overcome them by thinking differently and choosing not to fear. Love is the motivating factor. It is the gas to the car that will help you run the course of your life with momentum that you are a valuable player in this game of life. 

“We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

May you continually forge your attitude in trusting Him and not be boxed in by self-defeating thoughts. I have found prayer is the key of keeping me out of the box.

By Faith,