
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

LIFE is too Short!

Life is too short. I hope by these acronyms it will spur your thinking in how a word can produce a thought through an acronym. This is how life is to short by thinking a word can produce a thought which will motivate you to live in grace and freedom. First, a warning note before reading this blog. The warning is this; you are entering into a mind where no mind has gone before; scary to be in my mind. I know what you are thinking and luckily you do not have to live in my mind.

My mind constantly thinks of ways to associate life and how to live a better and prosperous life. This includes forgiving others when I felt wrong. I had to learn to be compassionate instead of being angry towards others. Taking the Bible and learning how to apply it into my life, so that it is different than what the world believes Christianity to be. I had to learn to live in love to produce a smile on others faces and gratitude of changing or impacting their life. I had to learn to listen before speaking in order embrace the moment of others and not to quench their spirit.

As you read this blog try to see the acronyms and I will put in the acronym in (brackets) and the definition will be below. In simple terms, to (LIVE) is to learn the ability to move about in spirituality. When we captivate our thoughts in Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5) then we are able to see things, because of Godly wisdom that is given to us, that is different than the way the world may see things.

This means you must understand (LIFE) another words to Live In Full Excellence (learn to live excellently motivated to move forward). Especially, when there is a Provisioned Radical Obstacle Becoming Learning Encumbered Motivators (PROBLEM) that causes PAIN (Problems Assisting In Newness). Problems can be obstacles that are motivators and some are painful because it pushes us into a newness of life.

Like a butterfly that goes through its PANG (Problems Assisting In New Growth) it must transform itself from something that crawls through life into enjoying life. It is a challenge that hammers our attitude into getting into excellence (CHANGE) that must make us not to depend upon ourselves, but developing a Forging (of) Attitudes In Trusting Him (FAITH).

How does one go through (CHANGE)? Change is Challenges Hammering Attitudes iNto Getting Excellence. In order to change you must put your attitudes on an anvil to hammer them out to get to excellence. You also have to recognize if you are held back by a cage that is holding your attitudes in numbness (CHAIN). A cage can be your mind that will hold back your attitude in a state of numbness that you feel complacent, trapped, depressed, sad, or being unmotivated to do something with your PROBLEM.

A CHAIN can Let In Extremes (LIE) that will allow you to become blind. Believing Lies In New Disguises (BLIND) is harmful because lies become rationalization behaviors, which help you to disguise your thoughts into thinking you are not good enough, not worthy, cannot be motivated to do it, or you are unable to change. A lie can produce a FEAR that makes you do the work, and you Forget Everything About Righteousness (FEAR) by not relying on God to do the work.

Life is too short to be BLINDed in a LIE which will put you into a CHAIN that does not allow you to CHANGE from the PROBLEMS that you encounter because of your FEAR and lack of FAITH. One must LIVE in order to succeed in this LIFE. Sometimes it is the PAIN and PANGs of life which you must learn to Build Roads In Developing Genuine Equanimity (BRIDGE). When we understand that LIFE can have a PROBLEM, and we embrace the CHANGE that is going to occur, then we can obtain the understanding that Problem Enhanced Attitudes Considered Exonerated (PEACE). PEACE is learning that problems enhance our attitudes, but to have peace, we must exonerate our attitudes towards our problems by letting go of our urge to control.

Life is too short, but when you expound on the acronym of LIFE and let go of our urge control the life does not seem so short. Life is a (GIFT) that is God’s immeasurable free token for us to make an IMPACT on others through LOVE by his GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense). LOVE allows us to live on vast emancipation because it allows the chains of life to fall way, and it covers a multitude of sins that enables you to be free from judgment.


BRIDGE = Building Roads In Developing Genuine Equanimity (learn to build a bridge over the gaps of feeling you are unable to get anywhere and when you do you can gain equanimity (a peace of calmness).
BLIND = Believing Lies In New Disguises (learn that lies are new disguises that blind you to move forward in your life).
CHAIN = Cage Holding Attitudes In Numbness (learn that your mind can be a cage that holds your attitudes in a state of numbness. Like a car stuck in the mud unable to move).
CHANGE = Challenge Hammering Attitude Getting Excellence (in order to change one must put their attitudes on an anvil to hammer them out to get to excellence)LIVE = Learning In Vagile Enlightenment (learn to move about in spiritually)
FAITH = Forging Attitudes In Trusting Him (learn to work at your attitudes in a trust of leaning on Him and not on yourself).
FEAR = Forgetting Everything About Righteousness (learn to let go of yourself and let God the righteous one to take control)
GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense) (borrowed)
IMPACT = I Must Practice Attitude Changing Thoughts (learn to change thoughts to impact and influence your life and others to be motivated in excellence)
LIFE = Live In Full Excellence (learn to live excellently motivated to move forward) (learn to use problems as a motivation)
PAIN = Problems Assisting In Newness (learn a new way to approaching life)
PANG = Problems Assisting In New Growth (learn that pangs will help you grow)
PEACE = Problem Enhanced Attitudes Considered Exonerated (to learn that problems enhance our attitudes, but to have peace, we must exonerate our attitudes towards our problems)
PROBLEM = Provisioned Radical Obstacle Becoming Learning Encumbered Motivator
LOVE = Living On Vast Emancipation

By Faith (Focusing Attitude In Trusting Him)

(NOTE: this is copyrighted please ask permission to republish or use Acronym besides what is noted as borrowed).

Friday, March 25, 2011

What is change?

Does God exist? Can a life of change happen? An open mind is like a parachute it allows you to gracefully fall or stay afloat. A closed mind is like a closed parachute; you will quickly fall and hit hard. Open or closed there are choices that are influenced by society and family that produce freedom or chains. A life of change can happen to the one who believes anything is possible.

Change is hard for most people. It pushes one out of the comfortable nest and with open or closed wings, we spread them to fly. Sometimes the risk and the fear of the unknown is the fire that will temper the mind like steel on an anvil. It will either weaken or strengthen you in the process of becoming into something useful.

A life of change is possible. The fundamentals we seem to have forgotten, or we have become desensitized to life, is that we may change every day to adapt to the curve balls or roller coaster rides in our lives. The attitude one possesses will determine if they are on the anvil or the potter’s wheel.

Do you have the mind of steel that it takes fire, water and a pounding to shape you into something useful? Do you have the mind of clay that can be shaped gently and tested through fire into something useful? Change is possible it depends upon the rationalization of your mind.

Rationalization can be a foreign element that does not strengthen you, but weakens you. I use to be damaged by churches and my parents who want to hold on to tradition or doctrine and are closed by looking further into the word and looking at if from a different perspective. Therefore, I was the steel on the anvil. I was hardened and didn’t want to change. Sometimes life is the storm that produces the new changes we need. I found God that has allowed me to start my life over. I have no regrets in the new life who is seen through the eyes of my Savior. Change was needed in order to be uplifted from darkness that I thought was the light in my life at the time.

Change is an acronym of C(hallenge) H(ammering) A(ttitudes) N(ot) G(etting) E(xcellence). There are challenges which we are faced with in our lives who tend to hammer away at our attitudes that are like baby birds not wanting to fly. Our attitudes do not want to move towards becoming excellent, and we remain complacent.

I want to challenge you in your thinking about life. Whether you believe in God, whether you feel depressed, and feel life has the best of you; whatever the situation may arise from you can do it. You may think life has you beat, and you feel chained into non existence. Release yourself from these chains of doctrine, traditions and open your life to realize, “God has provided us with great promises. It is these promises that will enable to share in His nature and escape the corruption of cruelty of human desires that has made the world a not so nice place to live” (2 Peter 1:4, Hudgins paraphrase).

Change is a challenge. Are you up for a challenge? Quit feeding your mind the bag of potato chips that weigh you down into a fatness of thoughts that you do not have the energy to move. Challenges moves, motivates, measures, molds and hammer attitudes that do not want to be motivated into an excellence of a better life. Challenge your thoughts. Instead of asking what is wrong with it, or it does not exist then do the opposite. What is right about doing this? Prove the existence. Soon you will be a mind that is a parachute ready to jump into unknown territories and experience the freedom from chains.

By Faith (Focusing Attitude In Trusting Him)


Friday, March 11, 2011

CHAIN (cage holding attitudes in numbness)

Ever felt you could not get anywhere? Maybe you were stuck in traffic, felt sick all day, a rough day at work or felt sad, depressed, blue or down and did not know why? How was your attitude in all these situations?

What about past thoughts that plague your mind and not sure where you received those answers? What about the Whitesboro Baptist church that seems to thwart unrelentingly their freedom of speech and hatred in their bantering protests at America’s Heroes? Having marital problems that do not seem to go away? Debt that does not provide the freedom to buy that new item you have been wanting.

What holds you back from achieving the impossible? Could it have been someone saying you are not good enough? What about trying to mend a relationship and the other person does not want to mend it?

Sometimes we feed ourselves, a lie or someone tells us a lie. A lie is L(etting) I(n) E(xtremes). Meaning a lie expands from the truth, and someone might say a “white” lie. These extremes are, “it was not me”, “Oh yeah, that makes sense” (this involves, we do not want to seem clueless towards the situation), “Oh thank you; I just love it” (not wanting to hurt the other person’s feelings). Sometimes a L.I.E. we tell ourselves because of someone else’s reactions are, “I am not good enough because I cannot seem to please this person”, “It is always my fault”, or “I will never get this right.” These lies can be unconsciously expressing thoughts that can lead to fear, anxiety and stress. To break from this is shifting out of the lies and into the truth.

Sometimes religion from the actual truth causes us to be bound in chains. This is similar to an attitude that can be like the L(etting) I(n) E(xtremes) we tell ourselves. What is a chain? A chain is a C(age) H(olding) A(ttitudes) I(n) N(umbness). In the religious community there can be flying bullets of words of liberalism, conservative, or mainstream. When someone holds onto a portion of a scripture of God’s word, but does not explore the entire context of the scripture it can cause a CHAIN reaction.

These CHAINS that we create holds us back from the creativity that God has intended for us to live in full life in Freedom. Christ said that He is the truth, the way and the life (John 14:6, New International Version). Would you like to break free from LIEs and CHAINS that bond us in misery of anxiety, stress, and Fear (Forgetting Everything About Righteousness)?

Then we must captivate our thoughts and make them obedient through ‘Christ, who is the truth (2 Corinthians 10:5). How do you do this? It is not easy at first. Write out your thoughts on paper. Here is an example: “I am not worthy”. Then compare it to the truth, you are counted worthy of the kingdom of God, who CALLS you (1 Thessalonians 2:12, NIV). According to God, you are worthy. Start on something small, until you are able to do it without paper and soon you will see yourself free from anxiety, drepression, fear and stress.

I want to encourage you to break free from the LIE (letting in extremes) and break away from the CHAIN (a cage holding attitudes in numbness) and work on building up your freedom in FAITH (forging attitude in trusting Him) so that we can live free from anxiety, stress and FEAR (forgetting everything about righteousness).

I would like to encourage you to learn more about breaking free from these chains that hold you back in this life that has called us into being free through Christ. Memorial Drive church is having a fantastic workshop on letting go of Chains. It is called the Tulsa Workshop and the title is “Let The Chains Fall Away”. This is March 23-26, 2011 and for more information you may go to This is free and open to the public.

By Faith (Forging Attitude In Trusting Him)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Got to Hand it to You

It takes two people to create a conflict. For some people they can double their fingers into a fist and use it as a tool for their conflict resolution approach. However, for a Christian conflict resolution should be a helping hand with all five fingers extended. The five finger approach involves five methods to an open hand.

First finger is to approach others in kindness and concern. Conflict stirs rejection and fear that will destroy communication. Any type of conflict will not be resolved in hostile environments. All it takes is one finger to open the door to establish communication. It is imperative to, “be kind and compassionate, forgiving one another as Christ forgave” (Ephesians 4:32, NIV) and “to clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Colossians 3:12, NIV).

Second finger is to establish humility and transparency. It takes two fingers to signal peace and or victory. When one begins to show transparency and humility without the fear of rejection then one’s innermost feelings and thoughts are exposed. Both couples will need to express trust when openly sharing without the threat of being rejected or put down. Confession or expression through prayer or a righteous person can be healing (James 5:1).

Third finger in conflict resolution is to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Three represents the God head. Three reminds the couples that God is the third person who should be in their relationship. He is the truth. However, in order to speak the truth it will require discipline and a desire to redeem the relationship that is similar to God redeeming the relationship through mankind. The goal is to restore your premarital or marital partner when the conflict arises. The motivation is to gain understanding of the other person. Finally, it takes a good listener that will restate their significant other’s words and argument so that they will feel valued, and they were heard.

The fourth finger reminds us there are four ears that are to listen to each other. Each partner should be slow in their speech, but quick to listen (James 1:19, NIV). When involved in conflict it is easy to fall pray into the anger mode and want to plan out our thoughts while the other person is speaking. Sometimes the truth will hurt and a person will selectively hear what the other person says because that is what will feel right and less hurtful.

Finally, the fifth finger extends a hand that is used to help, to hold in comfort or to shake on a new commitment. The fifth finger is to provide forgiveness. Forgiveness provides release from the conflict and provides healing and forgiveness from the Father (Matthew 6:14). Forgiveness is the act of a person’s will and founded upon the faith in Christ. Overall, forgiveness in conflict resolution in relationships takes a commitment to agree to overcome and to move forward from the experience. Forgiveness is a hand opend up and releasing whatever was there hurting you.

Commitment is an agreement that is universally based on a contract or covenant (Worthington, 2005). Throughout the Bible God has a golden thread of building a covenant with mankind. One instance is with Noah in Genesis 6:18, “But I will establish my covenant with you” (NAS) and other instances with Abraham, Isaac and through Christ and the church as the bride. It was clear that commitment through a covenant is very important and even questioned in Malachi 2:10, “Why do we profane the covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful to one another” (NAS)? Making a commitment is holding each other accountable. If two are not in a commitment then there is no success in maintaining the marriage.

Communication problems stem from a deficit of love (Worthington, 2005). In any relationship communication is more than just words. It is actions and words working together to keep the relationship well oiled and without it relationships would fall apart. It may be commanded that men are to love their wives, (Ephesians 5:25), but if men do not communicate effectively (Colossians 3:19), or in an understanding way (1 Peter 3:7) then his communication with God will be hampered in his prayers (1 Peter 3:7). Communication with another human being and God is essential in maintaining a God centered relationship.

It is important for everyone to grasp the understanding of what God requires in handling conflict. If it is handled correctly then it can be beneficial in the growth of a person. However, if the conflict is handled incorrectly, then it can stunt maturity and incapacitate relationships. It is important to understand James 1:19 that everyone should be slow in speaking and slow in anger.

May this help  you to remember when use your hand as a gesture of peace and not for conflict. Remember we can be like a caterpillar and complain and think it is end of life wrapping us up in a concoon. However, the end results will help us look like a butterfly and we will feel free.

By Faith (Focusing Attitude In Trusting Him)