
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Humpty Dumpty - It's Okay to Feel Broken

“Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.” ~Paul Coelho.

I was reaching into the fridge to pull out a corning ware bowl; I bumped my elbow, and lost the bowl. There was shredded glass all over the stone floor. If Humpty Dumpty was an egg, then how did all the kings’ men put him back together again? There was no way of putting a 1,000 piece corning ware bowl back together again.  Luckily, no cuts when sweeping up the mess and tossing it away. 

Do you feel you are in a mess? Life happens and it seems like everything falls to pieces. It is a challenge to figure out what piece to start with and to move into a zone of being focused on putting it all back together. Maybe people give up on you and shut you out of their life because they don't like the positive changes you have made. 

Life can be challenging. Picking up the pieces to start over is difficult. There are some who will never forgive the wrong they have been done to them. There are some who want the control and will hold the past over your head. Therefore, why subject yourself to unhealthy people and their thinking when there are positive changes of moving forward with improvements in your life?

I find it interesting that some people go to work and don’t smile. Some go to worship with a smile, but life is a mess. Most do not want others to know what is going on in their life without the fear of rejection. We live in a culture where perfection is to be obtained. Don’t believe me? Then why are there so many commercials on beauty that focuses on skin, weight, hair or other parts of the body? Why do commercials state the following: “buy our product” and see the enhancement of your life?

We tend to run, when we should stand still. In our culture, men have been told not to cry and suck it up and move on. This is not healthy for anyone to not shed a tear and be emotional. When we are faced with dilemma and we fall to our knees praying, it is time to realize it is okay to be broken or to feel okay to be not okay.

“Hope is the feeling that the feeling you have isn’t permanent.” ~Jean Kerr 

Sometimes we allow our life to be run by others and what others think of us. We let our life be ran by a meaning of “instead”.  Instead of ending an unhealthy relationship most will stay and avoid confrontation to experience a sense of control. Instead of leaving a demanding endless job to find a new one, we stay and complain about it. Instead of dealing with the feelings we minimize the pain and accept it as the reality.

It is okay to accept the fact you are broken and in a not okay state. It doesn’t mean you are a mess and you are to be thrown away. How do you “glue” yourself back to a “normal state”?  Give yourself the permission to be broken and from there you can be made whole again. 


 “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.” ~Wayne Dyer

First, learn to accept your life as it is right now. It doesn’t matter the situation and look at it as areas of prospects of growth. Accept your mistakes, then let go by forgiving yourself by relinquishing your fears, stress and those who may blame you or try to control you by holding the past over you. Mediation helps clear the mind and negativity and recreates a renewing of your mind to focus on the positive. 

Second, set your emotions aside and become a Star Trek “Spock” and become analytical for a moment. Observe your situation and create a plan of action, but not reaction. Learn to develop an honest look at your reactions. Do you jump to conclusions? Do you feel you need approval? Do you feel you have to please others? 

Finally, I had to learn God uses broken people. Regardless of your relationships, mistakes you done in your past, or those who want to confine you to your mistakes, it’s time for a change. Discover ways to take responsibility for your joy. We may not be able to minimize the feelings of brokenness, but we can pick different things to have a basis of enjoyment, for ourselves and those around us. Accept it is okay not to be okay and sometimes we need to feel broken in order to recreate ourselves into a better place and situation. Leave behind those who will ridicule you. Leave behind those who do not mentally supply you with a sense of healthiness. 

Like a butterfly, emerge from the cocoon you have gently wrapped yourself up in and begin to fly with new energy. Surround yourself with those who are positive and will encourage you and not attack you. Develop a sense of healthiness by creating new healthy boundaries which are productive to help you reach your goal.

By putting my faith on His anvil it was a challenge in my life. I made plenty of mistakes. My brokenness and mistakes are no different from yours and vice versa. Therefore, we need to pull ourselves together and realize we can make a difference by using our broken lives to fit into the puzzle of life. I admire artists that take broken dishes to create a beautiful master piece. You may not look like the original dish, but now you are a piece of art work for others to admire. 

By Faith, 
Forging Attitude In Trusting Him