
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Getting to the Power source

Have you run out of gas? No, not the kind you put into your car. Human beings need G.A.S. because it is the fuel to get us through this life. Think of our body as a car. Our soul is what will carry us when our car breaks down. However, your soul needs the fuel to keep everything running.

G.A.S. is my acronym to remind me that I need to fuel up my tank. G.A.S. is like regular car fuel that ignites into combustion to get the car parts to move the car forward. When you run out, you are just stuck on the road.

G.A.S. means God’s Accessible Son. Think of it this way. How does your home receive energy? Solar power, natural gas or maybe, electricity is the source to keep the lights on. In the ice storm of 2007 in Tulsa power went out. Never seen a city turn black and businesses were in the dark and today everyone that lives in a robust society will need power.

Ever vacuumed the house or used a power appliance or tool that needed power through an electrical cord? One has to be plugged into the main source in order for it to run. Stretching to far can leave you stranded with no power. Even rechargeable batteries need a power source to be plugged in.

Your life needs G.A.S., power, or an energy source that can keep you moving. Using the wrong kind of power can also damage the internal cogs of your body. Another words trying to do everything on your own or trying to control everything in your life can lead to depression, anxiety, and burn out.

Next time you pay the power company, put gas in your car, adjust your solar panels or use an electrical or battery appliance think of it in this manner. One must be plugged in, recharged or fueled up in order to make it through this life. Your body is the car and your soul is the engine that runs your body. When the body fails the engine keeps going forward and it will need G.A.S. Your soul can be like a rechargeable battery and if it isn’t plugged into the source, then you are not effective. Your soul is the power tool that impacts others around you in this time continuum that moves us forward.

In this physical world we have to pay for our energy sources. Our spiritual beings our energy source is already paid for. No matter how high gas prices can get, it will never account for the price that was paid for our spiritual energy.

I have been in situations where I came unplugged. I let my batteries run out of fuel. I also have run out of fuel and hit bottom in my life. I soon realized that I needed to stay plugged into the power source. I needed G.A.S. to keep my life motivated and going. I realized that I cannot do it on my own, and it is not my life (Jeremiah 10:23). One may not believe in the bible or God, and that may be fine with you, but I also know that I use to be in that spot until I got G.A.S. in my life. There is purpose in my life there is a driven desire.

If you are suffering from depression, stuck in a rut, have an uncontrollable life, unsure of who you are, why you exist, and just cannot seem to get moving, then you need G.A.S.. I know it sounds silly at first, but as I reflect on my life, I was all of those things, and my life was upside down. G.A.S. is bought and paid for by the One, and you never have to worry about spiritual gas prices going up. If you need to get plugged in, reenergized or need G.A.S., please contact me. God's Accessible Son has already been bought and paid for and its free gas.

By Faith (Forging Attitude In Trusting Him)