
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Do you feel worthy?

Have you seen the NBC television show the Apprentice with the infamous Donald Trump? It is fascinating to watch people interact and see how their plans develop. You receive the challenge and if you are the project manager, there is not much time for preparation. You go through the motion, set up the information, and you feel adequately confident when you finish your task.

Until you are sitting in the Trump room around the luxurious and lavish table, and then you feel you do not feel worthy. Conversations fly and emotions are on a high. Defense and offensive talks exchange like an old civil war event. It is a duel of guns of words loaded and measured with accuracy to knock out the opponent.

Then you sit and feel weighed and measure. You feel you did well, but then you are taken back by what everyone else states about you. The ultimate decision weighs on Mr. Trump. The words come out like a gale wind force, “You’re Fired”!

Do you feel worthy? You know you come home and feel unappreciative at work. Maybe, sometimes you feel unappreciative at home. The wife feels inadequate because the husband demands dinner and when you make it the family complains because it was not what they expected. Maybe the husband stops and buys a gallon of milk, but the wife nags at him because he forgot the diapers. Maybe, the parents are telling one child why can’t you be more like your sister Lori or why can’t you be more like your brother.

You are bombarded by messages like rain drops from the sky. No matter how pelted you feel you always walk away drenched from the words which were spewed. You just do not feel worthy. Then you sit down and you watch television. Commercials now sneak in that message that you are not worthy if you do not have this. Your life is not complete without this. You have to get this for your children because they deserve it.

You sit and contemplate. Thoughts creep in like worms to an apple. They begin to bore out the good thoughts, and you feel rotten to the core. You begin to believe in the lies. You are not good enough. You are not worthy. You cannot seem to please anyone. Then you ask yourself, “Do I feel Worthy?”

I feel the need to feel worthy is debilitating in today’s society. This is another lie which we tend to feed ourselves like fish in a pond. We want to be content in the pond and not see the stream flowing in and out. There is away out of not feeling you are not worthy.

You are Worthy. You are perfect the way you are. God has made a plan for you even with the bumps and bruises along the way. It is like being an athlete training for the marathon. Will you let yourself be defeated by self defeating thoughts that debilitate your legs of movement to rise above the occasion?

Soul searching and self-care are tools to help with self-assurance in knowing you are worthy, but they are external tools. Every situation you have lived through has shaped you into the person you are today. It is like the Potter and the clay that molds something beautiful (Isaiah 64:8). We all have our knicks and dings from an everyday use, but we are never broken and should never feel we are not worthy.  The best spiritual tool is His Word.

I have seen and counseled many individuals which struggle with the deeply held questions related to personal value and worth. The self defeat is the struggle to search for external validation. I use to seek for my parents validation and worth, and yet they say, “no thank you” and I go away feeling unworthy. Who needs the negative impact which scars the soul when you can rise above the occasion, and you seek out another set of parents who truly care for you? I did and am eternally grateful for Wanda and Jim Crownover, who stepped in order to provide parental guidance, spiritual aspiration and moral support.

The first step is avoiding those messages that make you feel unworthy. You seek out the positive affirmations and situations, and you rise above where you have fallen. However, no matter how much external validation you receive, you will not be able to accept acknowledgement because you didn’t personally believe in your own value.

How do you measure that you are worthy? You seek the spiritual where it begins. The second step is accepting you are wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14). Get rid of those thoughts and ask yourself: “Am I willing to let go of approval from others”, and Am I willing to push past through my fears when it seems like things are no going to change and see it through” by making your thoughts obedient through Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Remember, you attract what you are. And when you believe who you are and what you are deserving of, you will get. The truth is spoken between you and God. You know the answer to your crises or dilemma. You know if you feel worthy. So I ask, do you feel worthy?

The only measurement you should take is with the Truth. The truth is that you are worthy enough that Christ died for you (Romans 6:10, 2 Corinthians 5:15). If you seek Him and you believe it is Him who works in you (Phil 2:13) then, “God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith” (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

You are God’s most valuable player in this life! You have to constantly remind yourself. No one can make you feel less worthy, unless you allow them to. I want to encourage you that you are worthy. Believe in the love of Christ, become all that you can be even through the muck and mire and walk away knowing you might have won or lost the battle, but the War has already been won through Christ. Believe in the positive affirmation you are worthy.

     "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer
 of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

~Theodore Roosevelt (at the Sorbonne!) in 1910~


Deborah Sytnik said...

I Loved this, i made Mark my Husband sit down, and read it, we
Both were so touched, Thank-you,
Beacuse eery word of this is true, every word.
Because of all our trials we have felt so unworthy, our reading
this has really inspired me so much, Thank-you again!
Your sister in Christ
Deborah , and Mark Sytnik
Deborah sytnik

Steve Hudgins, MA. LPCc said...

Thank you for your kind words. I pray God will continue to give and provide you the increase and blessings.