
Sunday, November 9, 2014

"Open My Eyes - I want to See You" (Finding Value in Others)

We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away.—Zhuangzi

How do you explain? How do you describe? Sometimes, there are not enough words to describe what I see. I feel there are not enough words to even explain the depths and the richness of what the treasures of each day brings. 

There are days that I feel that I am driving on the highway and all my focus is in front of me. I miss slowing down and driving in the country. I enjoy capturing with a camera and looking at the quilted blanket of leaves that the Creator wove over night for me to enjoy. Tunnel vision on the road keeps you from seeing the bigger picture. 

“I feel my parents don’t listen to me” she said with tears in her eyes. “I try to talk to my mother, but she just talks over me and tries to tell me what I should do”.  I handed her a tissue as I sat and listened to her story. “I have these thoughts that I am not good enough. I feel rejected by my mother because all I want is someone to listen to me and not tell me what I did wrong” she expressed to me as she sat in my office.  She continued with her story, “Sometimes, I am punished because she won’t let me hang out with my friends because she feels I am going to do the same thing and so that is why I cut myself.” She looked into my eyes and shared her story that she felt if her mother would blame her, then she might as well go ahead and do what her friends do, self-harm. 

We all have similar stories in how we want to share with others. Yet, we drive on the highway of life and we have this tunnel vision of not wanting to collide into another human being because we are afraid we are going to get hurt. We drive forward as to avoid our own pain and running from the feelings that the police are chasing us. We drive along the highway trying to get to our own destination and we forget how fast we go. We witness breakdowns and don’t stop to help. We witness wrecks and fatalities and we gasp or cry at the scene. 

Where are you in your life right now? Are you driving along and forgetting there is scenery out there? There are people who cross our paths and we do not know their story. We are all on this journey called life. We each have an encounter along the way. Some we push aside, some we allow to travel with us and some are like a toll booth: we stop, pay the toll and move on. 

It’s Monday. I was looking for some music to listen to before I started working. There it was staring me in the face. I am drawn to what children say and do. I hit play and I couldn’t help being touched by a 10 year old blind autistic boy that allowed a tear to flow from my eye. How does a 10 year old blind autistic boy touch my heart? 

He was born in May 2001 and his mother was a drug addict. I can only imagine the darkness of her world. Her son was born and placed into different foster care homes. In August of 2002, his uncle adopted him and the rest is history.  Take a moment and listen. I’ll continue writing this as you listen to his song:

Jonathan Swift wrote, “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” Can you feel the passion of his voice as he is blind and how he uses his heart to express through his singing, “open the eyes of my heart, I want to see you.” 

The holidays are approaching. It is the worst time of year, when the statistics are like a temperature gage, which measures the heat of suicides and self-harm behaviors as they increase. People, who may have loved ones, still feel lonely on the inside and are blinded by negative thoughts. 

The movie, “Avatar” had a good message. They greeted each other with, “I see you”.  They took the time and gathered the message of really seeing into the heart of the person. It reminded me of the verse in Philippians 2:1-4 “ If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand”(The Message).

How do we see the “you” in others? How do we show “value” in others? How can we have the eyes of our hearts open to seeing others?

Here is what I have learned and pray it will be beneficial in seeing the other person’s heart and best intentions:

1.     Recognize the other person’s feelings and needs by valuing them by validating their existence, even though it will be different from your own feelings.

2.     Develop empathy by recognizing your feelings and then recognize others' feelings by listening to their opinions, right or wrong. Begin to see it in their eyes by thinking how it might be if you saw what they are expressing from their point of view. 

3.     Respond not out of reactiveness, but respond in an understanding caring way and see if there is something you can do by asking their permission to help. 

Finally, Robert Hall wrote, “A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.” Remember, there are those who are hurting and needing an ear to listen. We have two ears and one mouth, therefore, be slow to speak and intently hear the message of the heart. 

“Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord, so that we may see you!” and we see Him, if we look with compassion on others with open eyes and hearts.  I sometimes wish what I know now, that I can go back in time and apply this message with my own children. I love my children deeply and I want to continue to seek and to understand them for they will always have a place in their father’s heart. Forgiveness a crucial piece in finding peace in relationships and opening our blinded eyes; in order for us to see the beauty of people being able to change and be better people. 

Thanksgiving approaches; reach out to those who want to be thankful for finding them a place to express themselves. Stephen Covey expressed it in this way, “When you really listen to another person from their point of view, and reflect back to them that understanding, it's like giving them emotional oxygen.”

It will be like Christmas for others when you can truly share the gift of companionship by listening and sharing the value in others. As you drive down the highway of life, don't forget to go down the country road and say hello to someone who seems like a scarecrow and needs to get off the pole to talk to someone.

By forging attitude in trusting Him, may we see others as He sees us;

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